Start now
Live happier with Mehub.
Earn more money.

A digital platform for creators from all over the globe
Develop your own channel with us to ...
Optionally choose design products
Automatically generate promotional code
Automatic operation, tracking real-time 100%
Earn more money monthly
Creators just need to design their own merchandises because Mehub will handle all the burdens of verifying products' quality, acquiring seed capital, and managing operation process.

Cultivate your personal brand
Why are still struggling to build your own website, while Mehub provides all you need with 100% free services? What's more, your stuffs and brand name will also be featured in our packaging, products and PR articles.

100% owned by you
You can own your website databases and be no longer dependent of platform's algorithm, which allows you to fully manage your community. Get closer to your fans and fully own your belongings.

Get closer to your fans
You can ultilize various availlable tools that power your earnings and engagement with your fans. Making a video or creating a minigame for your fan have never been as easy as when you join us. Start now to delight your community.
More money
No risk
100% owned by you
Automated operation
Happier fans
Create your dream site in your style easily and for free.
Find everything you need for your business in one place only. In only 10 mins, you will have your desired website.
All for free.
